I’m trying to keep this blog up to date, mainly as some sort of record of days out (but not necessarily in order done) so you are unlikely to find much new of interest for the moment!
I finished the previous post by writing “In the meantime a pleasant and familiar circuit - in more sun and snow – awaits”, but the ‘sun’ bit proved over-optimistic. Not my fault – blame the weather forecasters.
It was a raw and windy day as we set off from Castlehill car park much later than intended, and apart from a runner returning to her car, we were the only ones around.

It was an enjoyable walk (it always is) along the little road that leads to Glen Quey Reservoir and the drove road through to Dollar. The steep-ish slopes which lead to the broad NE ridge of Innerdownie Hill warmed us up nicely but the experience was short-lived and, in the strengthening wind, we donned Paramo jackets and our Cascada trousers (the originals with the thicker lining and the best we’ve ever owned I think). On taking the first photograph of the day the camera informed us that it was being saved to internal memory – I’d left the memory card in the computer. Luckily a spare was secreted in the camera case so all was well.

Being a lee slope there was a fair covering of snow on the final pull to the top. The appearance of blue sky was just a tease, alas, and the cairn no place for lunch.

A few photographs ‘for the record’ and we scurried off to the shelter just below the summit.

Lynne wished she’d brought her Annapurna duvet jacket and, wearing six layers, I was just managing to stay on the right side of warm.
Eventually the fine weather pushed in from the east around 4pm, but by then we had our feet up at home and were enjoying mugs of hot chocolate.
Some stats from the Satmap Active 10 for this short day.

I finished the previous post by writing “In the meantime a pleasant and familiar circuit - in more sun and snow – awaits”, but the ‘sun’ bit proved over-optimistic. Not my fault – blame the weather forecasters.
It was a raw and windy day as we set off from Castlehill car park much later than intended, and apart from a runner returning to her car, we were the only ones around.
It was an enjoyable walk (it always is) along the little road that leads to Glen Quey Reservoir and the drove road through to Dollar. The steep-ish slopes which lead to the broad NE ridge of Innerdownie Hill warmed us up nicely but the experience was short-lived and, in the strengthening wind, we donned Paramo jackets and our Cascada trousers (the originals with the thicker lining and the best we’ve ever owned I think). On taking the first photograph of the day the camera informed us that it was being saved to internal memory – I’d left the memory card in the computer. Luckily a spare was secreted in the camera case so all was well.
Being a lee slope there was a fair covering of snow on the final pull to the top. The appearance of blue sky was just a tease, alas, and the cairn no place for lunch.
A few photographs ‘for the record’ and we scurried off to the shelter just below the summit.
Lynne wished she’d brought her Annapurna duvet jacket and, wearing six layers, I was just managing to stay on the right side of warm.
Eventually the fine weather pushed in from the east around 4pm, but by then we had our feet up at home and were enjoying mugs of hot chocolate.
Some stats from the Satmap Active 10 for this short day.