Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Glenquey Moss Quarry Application - Unanimously refused

Just out of the DMC meeting - the application has been refused. Of course it will be appealed to the Scottish Government but meantime we can celebrate success. More anon perhaps.
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Monday, 17 November 2014

Glenquey Moss - DMC Meeting 19 November 2014 - Stop the Quarry

Glenquey Moss in centre of photograph (click to enlarge)
On Wednesday we will be attending the District Management Meeting (DMC) of Perth and Kinross Council as objectors to the planning application for a quarry which will destroy Glenquey Moss. It is feared that planning officers will recommend approval leading to the destruction of this blanket (or raised) bog* which, as well as being an important carbon sink, is home to a great variety of fauna and flora. More can be found here and here.

The beautiful Ochil Hills have been under attack by the wind farm clowns for some years and now CEMEX UK plan to obliterate yet another part of these much-loved hills.

Permission to extract gravel from this small peatland wildlife site was first granted in 1963, before being re-approved in 1984. However, the site has never been worked commercially and permission to extract minerals on site expired in 2011.

If you love the Ochils and want to protect them from this horrific development please attend the meeting at the Council Offices in Perth at 10am on Wednesday19 November. There is still time to contact your Councillor to make your views known; if they are on the DMC, so much the better.


*still being debated