With summer and most of spring spent recovering and two holidays pretty well ruined, I'm hoping that this one will be different. We are in Braemar (as usual at this time of year) and have settled in at the site here - beautifully kept and we'll run my Emily and Dean. It's busy, but will quieten down after Saturday when the Gathering is over.
Over recent months I've not really felt like blogging, though I have read all my 'regulars' - without commenting very often it has to be said. I usually make it a rule to comment on posts, even if only briefly and reply to comments on my own posts. I don't see the point of blogging otherwise, but that's just my take on it of course.
I'm now pretty well mended with only a trip to Perth Royal Infirmary for a brief follow-up on Monday. We've brought the car with us to make the parking at the hospital a bit easier and also to make parking for some Grahams here in Aberdeenshire and in Moray less of a hassle. Even our relatively small motor caravan is a nuisance when there is 'limited parking', as guide books like to say.
So, hopefully there will be a few posts about new hills trodden as well as about our usual favourites in the Braemar area - if I can find something interesting and fresh to say about them.
Thanks to D & A for house watching.
Edit. This was posted using Blog Manager and it appears that clicking to enlarge the photo doesn't work - at least on my iPhone.