Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Raptor Persecution Scotland

Poisoned golden eagle found in Glen Orchy area  in 2009 (from
I've just come across  which has a post regarding the golden eagle death. You can write to the new Scottish Environment Minister at this email


Alan Sloman said...

Thank you for pointing out this site, Gibson
It is unbelievable that there have been no prosecutions!
Why do the police take days to look for evidence? Is there a nod and a wink going on to the estates?

afootinthehills said...

Hi Alan

It beggars belief really. I note on the raptor persecution blog, that the planned consultation on giving the SSPCA additional investigative powers in relation to wildlife crime hasn't started. Why I wonder? It appears we in Scotland don't value our wildlife or our wild landscape.

Anonymous said...

If there was a provision in the law allowing the police to suspend the estate's shooting licence while the circumstances of any incident were investigated, that might give them pause for thought.

Whether it would be enforced is another matter - landowners, corporates, senior police officers, clubs and lodges... it's all speculation, but you can't help wondering.

afootinthehills said...

Hi Dave - As with any law, enforcement is crucial and there does not appear to be much appetite for action.