Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Friday, 7 September 2018

Tuesday 4 September - Carn a Gheoidh, Carn Bhinnein and Carn nan Sac

We had made a considerable diversion from our planned route to this spot, knowing that if there were hares to be found, here they would be.

Lynne spotted the first one sitting among the boulders. Then another appeared and within a few seconds there was a gathering.  Here and there others raced to join the crowd covering the ground with ease. Eventually they diasappeared among the boulders and we retraced our steps and pointed ourselves in the direction of Carn Bhinnein, a Munro Top with superb views into the corries of Glas Tullaichean. Before departing though, Lynne gave Mr Spock's Vulcan salute: "Live long and prosper. " And yes, she can do the hand salute properly! 

The two lochans north of Carn nan Sac were dry, never seen before by us despite passing them many times. This is all great backpacking country although  with shooting in progress September and October are probably not the best months. Guns could be heard in Glen Ey.

Back on Carn a Gheoidh two geocachers had discovered their cache. Apparently there are caches on many of the summits hereabouts but we've never seen anyone looking for or discovering a cache before. Mind you the probability of us being on any given hill at the geocach location just as it is found must be very small.

We returned over Carn nan Sac then followed the lip of the corrie and so back to the bulldozed tracks of the Cairnwell and so down to the car.

Two geocachers in background


Sir Hugh said...

I climbed Carn a Gheoidh with Pete, my Thursday walking friend back on 24th May 2005. He is now in his eighties and we only walk three or four miles on the flat, not too hilly and usually on tarmac. I also remember an enjoyable walk up Glen Ey on a poor day for Munroing, but we saw a hen harrier and an adder, and I caught a few small trout.

afootinthehills said...

Sir Hugh - yes, I read your posts describing walks with Pete, but I don’t think I remember reading anything about Munros you climbed with him. An idea perhaps for a post or two? 7th July 1979 we climbed Carn a Gheoidh for the first time - another life. Last time we were in Glen Ey all we saw was a stag being shot.

We thought if you on Thursday when doing a Marilyn so watch this space.

AlanR said...

Geocaching is so last year. Its benchmarks now. Ha😏
Good to see you both out and about. Did you shout nanu nanu to lynnes Spock salute

afootinthehills said...

Hi Alan - I’ve never geocached, if that’s a word and never heard of benchmarking. A sheltered life I lead.

No nanu nanu from me! We’ve had some super weather for this time of the year - I’ve walked most days in my old running shorts even above the 3000ft mark. I think those days may be drawing to a close though.