Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Stuc a' Chroin and Ben Vorich

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Test photos - no text


afootinthehills said...

So it seems that photos with no text are OK and text alone is OK but text plus photos is a hit and miss affair.

Alan Sloman said...

Presumably this is mobile blogging, Gibson.
What are you using?
I use Bloggeroid, with a fair bit of success. I can get the pictures where I want and at the size I want them within the text.

afootinthehills said...

Hi Alan - yes this is mobile blogging using email. I've not really had problems before and it could have been the caravan site's wi-fi limiting file size, though I did select small photo sizes. I will have a look at Bloggeroid so thanks for that. I'll also try a 'mobile' post from home.

AlanR said...

I don't think bloggeroid works with iOS! But I will stand corrected.

afootinthehills said...

You are correct Alan and although BlogPress does work with IOS it won't do so on my iPhone - but does on the iPad!

Alan Sloman said...

That's a shame. I hadn't realised that you had an iPhone.

Alan Sloman said...

That's a shame. I hadn't realised that you had an iPhone.

Phreerunner said...

I've used simple email for all my mobile blogging. It's a shame the pictures all appear at the top of the posting but my readers haven't complained. I tried bloggeroid but quickly gave up when I couldn't fathom how to use it (I'm a bit dim you know.)

afootinthehills said...

The odd thing is that my Creag Bhalg post (Wed 7 Sept) included three photos separated by text and uploaded no problem. I don't understand why the others didn't. Like you Martin, I've always used email for posts.